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  • seymourthefish

Adventures with a Sea Plane...

So, in my retail adventures, I am back booking Travel as a Travel Agent. I know you all thought we were extinct, like the dinosaurs, but guess what? We are not.

I have been doing some research for a trip to Alaska for a mom and her 12 year old son. The son is big into Aviation and wants to learn as much as possible about the science and the industry. I happened upon the Lake Hood Seaplane Base in Anchorage, and one of the questions on their information page is as follows:

"Are the seaplanes friendly?"

The response is below:

"This is a difficult question to answer. Some seaplanes are very nice and you can pet them and even hitch a ride. But other seaplanes are very timid and are frightened of tourists and small children. Owners make sure to feed them and love them, but they still just fly away. Beware of their propellers!!! Their bite is viscous!!!"

Just a little Seaplane humor to start this trip off with. Now I am waiting to see what the client wants to book for this trip.

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